

User Guide

The guide provides an introduction to the Slang language and its major features, as well as the compilation and reflection API.

Standard Modules Reference

The reference of the standard modules that comes with the Slang compiler.

Language Specification

The formal specification of the Slang programming language. Work in progress..

SlangPy User Guide

Learn how to build machine learning and neural graphics applications with Slang and Python.

Feature Matureness

List of Slang Features with their stableness/matureness.

Command Line Reference

There is the documentation specific to using the slangc command-line tool.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to a list of frequently asked questions.


SPIR-V Specific Functionalities

Things to know when using Slang to compile to SPIR-V.

Metal Specific Functionalities

Things to know when using Slang to compile to the Metal Shading Language.

WGSL Specific Functionalities

Things to know when using Slang to compile to the WGSL.


Write Your First Slang Shader

See how to write a simple compute shader in Slang and compile it for execution on Vulkan.

Using the Compilation API

See how to use Slang’s compilation API to integrate the Slang compiler into your application.

Using the Reflection API

See how to use Slang’s reflection API to query for parameter binding info at runtime.

Shader Cursors: Advanced Usage of the Reflection API

Learn how to handle shader parameters in a practical and high-performance fashion that can scale to support large GPU shader codebases across multiple target platforms

Understanding Slang Generics

Learn how to use Slang’s generics and interfaces to write structured code that can be specialized at compile time.

Migrating from HLSL to Slang

Main things to know if you are coming to Slang as an HLSL developer.

Using Slang Parameter Blocks

Learn how to use Slang’s Parameter Block feature in your shader codebase, and how to streamline use of the Slang reflection API when using this feature.


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