• Slang User's Guide
    • Introduction
      • Why use Slang?
      • Who is Slang for?
      • Who is this guide for?
      • Goals and Non-Goals
    • Getting Started with Slang
      • Installation
      • Your first Slang shader
      • The full example
    • Conventional Language Features
      • Types
      • Expressions
      • Statements
      • Functions
      • Preprocessor
      • Attributes
      • Global Variables and Shader Parameters
      • Shader Entry Points
      • Mixed Shader Entry Points
      • Auto-Generated Constructors
      • Initializer Lists
    • Basic Convenience Features
      • Type Inference in Variable Definitions
      • Immutable Values
      • Namespaces
      • Member functions
      • Properties
      • Initializers
      • Operator Overloading
      • Subscript Operator
      • Tuple Types
      • `Optional<T>` type
      • `if_let` syntax
      • `reinterpret<T>` operation
      • Pointers (limited)
      • `DescriptorHandle` for Bindless Descriptor Access
      • Extensions
      • Multi-level break
      • Force inlining
      • Special Scoping Syntax
      • User Defined Attributes (Experimental)
    • Modules and Access Control
      • Defining a Module
      • Importing a Module
      • Access Control
      • Legacy Modules
    • Capabilities
      • Capability Atoms and Capability Requirements
      • Conflicting Capabilities
      • Requirements in Parent Scope
      • Inference of Capability Requirements
      • Inference on target_switch
      • Capability Aliases
      • Validation of Capability Requirements
    • Interfaces and Generics
      • Interfaces
      • Generics
      • Supported Constructs in Interface Definitions
      • Associated Types
      • Generic Value Parameters
      • Type Equality Constraints
      • Interface-typed Values
      • Extending a Type with Additional Interface Conformances
      • `is` and `as` Operator
      • Generic Interfaces
      • Generic Extensions
      • Extensions to Interfaces
      • Variadic Generics
      • Builtin Interfaces
    • Automatic Differentiation
      • Auto-diff operations `fwd_diff` and `bwd_diff`
      • Differentiable Type System
      • User-Defined Derivative Functions
      • Using Auto-diff with Generics
      • Using Auto-diff with Interface Requirements and Interface Types
      • Primal Substitute Functions
      • Working with Mixed Differentiable and Non-Differentiable Code
      • Higher-Order Differentiation
      • Restrictions and Known Issues
      • Reference
    • Compiling Code with Slang
      • Concepts
      • Command-Line Compilation with `slangc`
      • Using the Compilation API
      • Multithreading
      • Compiler Options
      • Debugging
    • Using the Reflection API
      • Compiling a Program
      • Types and Variables
      • Layout for Types and Variables
      • Programs and Scopes
      • Calculating Cumulative Offsets
      • Determining Whether Parameters Are Used
      • Conclusion
    • Supported Compilation Targets
      • Background and Terminology
      • Direct3D 11
      • Direct3D 12
      • Vulkan
      • OpenGL
      • Metal
      • CUDA and OptiX
      • CPU Compute
      • WebGPU
      • Summary
    • Link-time Specialization and Module Precompilation
      • Link-time Constants
      • Link-time Types
      • Providing Default Settings
      • Restrictions
      • Using Precompiling Modules with the API
      • Additional Remarks
    • Special Topics
      • Handling Matrix Layout Differences on Different Platforms
        • Two conventions of matrix transform math
        • Discussion
        • Matrix Layout
        • Overriding default matrix layout
      • Using Slang to Write PyTorch Kernels
        • Getting Started with SlangTorch
        • Specializing shaders using slangtorch
        • Back-propagating Derivatives through Complex Access Patterns
        • Manually binding kernels
        • Builtin Library Support for PyTorch Interop
        • Type Marshalling Between Slang and Python
      • Obfuscation
        • Obfuscation in Slang
        • Using An Obfuscated Module
        • Accessing Source Maps
        • Accessing Source Maps without Files
        • Emit Source Maps
        • Issues/Future Work
      • Interoperation with Target-Specific Code
        • Defining Intrinsic Functions for Textual Targets
        • Defining Intrinsic Types
        • Injecting Preludes
        • Managing Cross-Platform Code
        • Inline SPIRV Assembly
      • Uniformity Analysis
        • Treat Values as Uniform
        • Treat Function Return Values as Non-uniform
    • Target-specific features
      • SPIR-V specific functionalities
        • Experimental support for the older versions of SPIR-V
        • Combined texture sampler
        • System-Value semantics
        • Behavior of `discard` after SPIR-V 1.6
        • Supported HLSL features when targeting SPIR-V
        • Unsupported GLSL keywords when targeting SPIR-V
        • Supported atomic types for each target
        • ConstantBuffer, StructuredBuffer and ByteAddressBuffer
        • ParameterBlock for SPIR-V target
        • Push Constants
        • Specialization Constants
        • SPIR-V specific Attributes
        • Multiple entry points support
        • Global memory pointers
        • Matrix type translation
        • Legalization
        • Tessellation
        • SPIR-V specific Compiler options
      • Metal-specific functionalities
        • Entry Point Parameter Handling
        • System-Value semantics
        • Interpolation Modifiers
        • Resource Types
        • Header Inclusions and Namespace
        • Parameter blocks and Argument Buffers
        • Struct Parameter Flattening
        • Return Value Handling
        • Value Type Conversion
        • Conservative Rasterization
        • Address Space Assignment
        • Explicit Parameter Binding
        • Specialization Constants
      • WGSL specific functionalities
        • System-Value semantics
        • Supported HLSL features when targeting WGSL
        • Supported atomic types
        • ConstantBuffer, (RW/RasterizerOrdered)StructuredBuffer, (RW/RasterizerOrdered)ByteAddressBuffer
        • Specialization Constants
        • Interlocked operations
        • Entry Point Parameter Handling
        • Parameter blocks
        • Write-only Textures
        • Pointers
        • Address Space Assignment
        • Matrix type translation
        • Explicit Parameter Binding
        • Specialization Constants
    • Reference
      • Capability Profiles
      • Capability Atoms
        • Targets
        • Stages
        • Versions
        • Extensions
        • Compound Capabilities
        • Other

Basic Convenience Features

This topic covers a series of nice-to-have language features in Slang. These features are not supported by HLSL but are introduced to Slang to simplify code development. Many of these features are added to Slang per request of our users.

Type Inference in Variable Definitions

Slang supports automatic variable type inference:

var a = 1; // OK, `a` is an `int`.
var b = float3(0, 1, 2); // OK, `b` is a `float3`.

Automatic type inference require an initialization expression to present. Without an initial value, the compiler is not able to infer the type of the variable. The following code will result in a compiler error:

var a; // Error, cannot infer the type of `a`.

You may use the var keyword to define a variable in a modern syntax:

var a : int = 1; // OK.
var b : int; // OK.

Immutable Values

The var syntax and the traditional C-style variable definition introduce a mutable variable whose value can be changed after its definition. If you wish to introduce an immutable or constant value, you may use the let keyword:

let a = 5; // OK, `a` is `int`.
let b : int = 5; // OK.

Attempting to change an immutable value will result in a compiler error:

let a = 5;
a = 6; // Error, `a` is immutable.


You can use the namespace syntax to define symbols in a namespace:

namespace ns
    int f();

Slang also supports the abbreviated syntax for defining nested namespaces:

namespace ns1.ns2
    int f();
// equivalent to:
namespace ns1::ns2
    int f();
// equivalent to:
namespace ns1
    namespace ns2
        int f();

To access symbols defined in a namespace, you can use their qualified name with namespace prefixes:

void test()
    ns1::ns2::f(); // equivalent syntax.

Symbols defined in the same namespace can access each other without a qualified name, this is true even if the referenced symbol is defined in a different file or module:

namespace ns
    int f();
    int g() { f(); } // OK.

You can also use the using keyword to pull symbols defined in a different namespace to the current scope, removing the requirement for using fully qualified names.

namespace ns1.ns2
    int f();

using ns1.ns2;
// or:
using namespace ns1.ns2; // alternative syntax.

void test() { f(); } // OK.

Member functions

Slang supports defining member functions in structs. For example, it is allowed to write:

struct Foo
    int compute(int a, int b)
        return a + b;

You can use the . syntax to invoke member functions:

Foo foo;
int rs = foo.compute(1,2);

Slang also supports static member functions, For example:

struct Foo
    static int staticMethod(int a, int b)
        return a + b;

Static member functions are accessed the same way as other static members, via either the type name or an instance of the type:

int rs = Foo.staticMethod(a, b);


Foo foo;
int rs = foo.staticMethod(a,b);

Mutability of member function

For GPU performance considerations, the this argument in a member function is immutable by default. Attempting to modify this will result in a compile error. If you intend to define a member function that mutates the object, use [mutating] attribute on the member function as shown in the following example.

struct Foo
    int count;
    void setCount(int x) { count = x; }

    // This would fail to compile.
    // void setCount2(int x) { count = x; }

void test()
    Foo f;
    f.setCount(1); // Compiles


Properties provide a convenient way to access values exposed by a type, where the logic behind accessing the value is defined in getter and setter function pairs. Slang’s property feature is similar to C# and Swift.

struct MyType
    uint flag;

    property uint highBits
        get { return flag >> 16; }
        set { flag = (flag & 0xFF) + (newValue << 16); }

Or equivalently in a “modern” syntax:

struct MyType
    uint flag;

    property highBits : uint
        get { return flag >> 16; }
        set { flag = (flag & 0xFF) + (newValue << 16); }

You may also use an explicit parameter for the setter method:

property uint highBits
    set(uint x) { flag = (flag & 0xFF) + (x << 16);  }


Slang currently does not support automatically synthesized getter and setter methods. For example, the following code is not supported:

property uint highBits {get;set;} // Not supported yet.




The syntax for defining constructors is subject to future change.

Slang supports defining constructors in struct types. You can write:

struct MyType
    int myVal;
    __init(int a, int b)
        myVal = a + b;

You can use a constructor to construct a new instance by using the type name in a function call expression:

MyType instance = MyType(1,2);  // instance.myVal is 3.

You may also use C++ style initializer list to invoke a constructor:

MyType instance = {1, 2};

If a constructor does not define any parameters, it will be recognized as default constructor that will be automatically called at the definition of a variable:

struct MyType
    int myVal;
        myVal = 10;

int test()
    MyType test;
    return test.myVal; // returns 10.

Slang will also implicitly call a default constructor of all parents of a derived struct (same as C++):

struct MyType_Base
    int myVal1;
    __init() {myVal1 = 22;}

struct MyType1 : MyType_Base
    int myVal2;
        // implicitly calls `MyType_Base::__init()`
        myVal2 = 15;
    MyType1 a;
    // a.myVal1 == 22
    // a.myVal2 == 15

struct MyType2 : MyType_Base
    MyType2 b; // implicitly calls `MyType_Base::__init()`
    // b.myVal1 == 22

Member Init Expressions

Slang supports member init expressions:

struct MyType
    int myVal = 5;

Operator Overloading

Slang allows defining operator overloads as global methods:

struct MyType
    int val;
    __init(int x) { val = x; }

MyType operator+(MyType a, MyType b)
    return MyType(a.val + b.val);

int test()
    MyType rs = MyType(1) + MyType(2);
    return rs.val; // returns 3.

Slang currently supports overloading the following operators: +, -, *, /, %, &, |, <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, unary -, ~ and !. Please note that the && and || operators are not supported.

In addition, you can overload operator () as a member method:

struct MyFunctor
    int operator()(float v)
        // ...
void test()
    MyFunctor f;
    int x = f(1.0f); // calls MyFunctor::operator().
    int y = f.operator()(1.0f); // explicitly calling operator().

Subscript Operator

Slang allows overriding operator[] with __subscript syntax:

struct MyType
    int val[12];
    __subscript(int x, int y) -> int
        get { return val[x*3 + y]; }
        set { val[x*3+y] = newValue; }
int test()
    MyType rs;
    rs[0, 0] = 1;
    rs[1, 0] = rs[0, 0] + 1
    return rs[1, 0]; // returns 2.

Tuple Types

Tuple types can hold collection of values of different types. Tuples types are defined in Slang with the Tuple<...> syntax, and constructed with either a constructor or the makeTuple function:

Tuple<int, float, bool> t0 = Tuple<int, float, bool>(5, 2.0f, false);
Tuple<int, float, bool> t1 = makeTuple(3, 1.0f, true);

Tuple elements can be accessed with _0, _1 member names:

int i = t0._0; // 5
bool b = t1._2; // true

You can use the swizzle syntax similar to vectors and matrices to form new tuples:

t0._0_0_1 // evaluates to (5, 5, 2.0f)

You can concatenate two tuples:

concat(t0, t1) // evaluates to (5, 2.0f, false, 3, 1.0f, true)

If all element types of a tuple conforms to IComparable, then the tuple itself will conform to IComparable, and you can use comparison operators on the tuples to compare them:

let cmp = t0 < t1; // false

You can use countof() on a tuple type or a tuple value to obtain the number of elements in a tuple. This is considered a compile-time constant.

int n = countof(Tuple<int, float>); // 2
int n1 = countof(makeTuple(1,2,3)); // 3

All tuple types will be translated to struct types, and receive the same layout as struct types.

Optional<T> type

Slang supports the Optional<T> type to represent a value that may not exist. The dedicated none value can be used for any Optional<T> to represent no value. Optional<T>::value property can be used to retrieve the value.

struct MyType
    int val;

int useVal(Optional<MyType> p)
    if (p == none)        // Equivalent to `!p.hasValue`
        return 0;
    return p.value.val;

int caller()
    MyType v;
    v.val = 0;
    useVal(v);  // OK to pass `MyType` to `Optional<MyType>`.
    useVal(none);  // OK to pass `none` to `Optional<MyType>`.
    return 0;

if_let syntax

Slang supports if (let name = expr) syntax to simplify the code when working with Optional<T> value. The syntax is similar to Rust’s if let syntax, the value expression must be an Optional<T> type, for example:

Optional<int> getOptInt() { ... }

void test()
    if (let x = getOptInt())
          // if we are here, `getOptInt` returns a value `int`.
          // and `x` represents the `int` value.

reinterpret<T> operation

Sometimes it is useful to reinterpret the bits of one type as another type, for example:

struct MyType
    int a;
    float2 b;
    uint c;

MyType myVal;
float4 myPackedVector = packMyTypeToFloat4(myVal);

The packMyTypeToFloat4 function is usually implemented by bit casting each field in the source type and assign it into the corresponding field in the target type, by calling intAsFloat, floatAsInt and using bit operations to shift things in the right place. Instead of writing packMyTypeToFloat4 function yourself, you can use Slang’s builtin reinterpret<T> to do just that for you:

float4 myPackedVector = reinterpret<float4>(myVal);

reinterpret can pack any type into any other type as long as the target type is no smaller than the source type.

Pointers (limited)

Slang supports pointers when generating code for SPIRV, C++ and CUDA targets. The syntax for pointers is similar to C, with the exception that operator . can also be used to dereference a member from a pointer. For example:

struct MyType
    int a;

int test(MyType* pObj)
    MyType* pNext = pObj + 1;
    MyType* pNext2 = &pNext[1];
    return pNext.a + pNext->a + (*pNext2).a + pNext2[0].a;

cbuffer Constants
    MyType *ptr;

int validTest()
    return test(ptr);

int invalidTest()
    // cannot produce a pointer from a local variable 
    MyType obj;
    return test(&obj); // !! ERROR !!

Pointer types can also be specified using the generic syntax: Ptr<MyType> is equivalent to MyType*.


  • Slang supports pointers to global memory, but not shared or local memory. For example, it is invalid to define a pointer to a local variable.

  • Slang supports pointers that are defined as shader parameters (e.g. as a constant buffer field).

  • Slang can produce pointers using the & operator from data in global memory.

  • Slang doesn’t support forming pointers to opaque handle types, e.g. Texture2D. For handle pointers, use DescriptorHandle<T> instead.

  • Slang doesn’t support coherent load/stores.

  • Slang doesn’t support custom alignment specification.

  • Slang currently does not support pointers to immutable values, i.e. const T*.

DescriptorHandle for Bindless Descriptor Access

Slang supports the DescriptorHandle<T> type that represents a bindless handle to a resource. This feature provides a portable way of implementing the bindless resource idiom. When targeting HLSL, GLSL and SPIRV where descriptor types (e.g. textures, samplers and buffers) are opaque handles, DescriptorHandle<T> will translate into a uint2 so it can be defined in any memory location. The underlying uint2 value is treated as an index to access the global descriptor heap or resource array in order to obtain the actual resource handle. On targets with where resource handles are not opaque handles, DescriptorHandle<T> maps to T and will have the same size and alignment defined by the target.

DescriptorHandle<T> is declared as:

struct DescriptorHandle<T> where T:IOpaqueDescriptor {}

where IOpaqueDescriptor is an interface implemented by all resource types, including textures, ConstantBuffer, RaytracingAccelerationStructure, SamplerState, SamplerComparisonState and all types of StructuredBuffer.

You may also write Texture2D.Handle as a short-hand of DescriptorHandle<Texture2D>.

DescriptorHandle<T> supports operator *, operator ->, and can implicitly convert to T, for example:

uniform StructuredBuffer<DescriptorHandle<Texture2D>> textures;
uniform int textureIndex;

// define a descriptor handle using builtin convenience typealias:
uniform StructuredBuffer<float4>.Handle output;

void main()
    output[0] = textures[textureIndex].Load(int3(0));

    // Alternatively, this syntax is also valid:
    (*output)[0] = textures[textureIndex]->Load(int3(0));

By default, when targeting HLSL, DescriptorHandle<T> translates to uses of ResourceDescriptorHeap[index] and SamplerDescriptorHeap[index]. In particular, when combined with combined texture sampler types (e.g. Sampler2D), Slang will fetch the texture using the first component of the handle, and the sampler state from the second component of the handle. For example:

uniform DescriptorHandle<Sampler2D> s;
void test()

translates to:

uniform uint2 s;
void test()

When targeting SPIRV, Slang will introduce a global array of descriptors and fetch from the global array. The descriptor set ID of the global descriptor array can be configured with the -bindless-space-index (or CompilerOptionName::BindlessSpaceIndex when using the API) option.


The default implementation for SPIRV may change in the future if SPIRV is extended to provide what is equivalent to D3D’s ResourceDescriptorHeap construct.

Users can override the default behavior of convering from bindless handle to resource handle, by providing a getDescriptorFromHandle in user code. For example:

// All texture and buffer handles are defined in descriptor set 100.
[vk::binding(0, 100)]
__DynamicResource<__DynamicResourceKind.General> resourceHandles[];

// All sampler handles are defined in descriptor set 101.
[vk::binding(0, 101)]
__DynamicResource<__DynamicResourceKind.Sampler> samplerHandles[];

export T getDescriptorFromHandle<T>(DescriptorHandle<T> handle) where T : IOpaqueDescriptor
    case spirv:
        if (T.kind == ResourceKind.Sampler)
            return samplerHandles[((uint2)handle).x].asOpaqueDescriptor<T>();
            return resourceHandles[((uint2)handle).x].asOpaqueDescriptor<T>();
        return defaultGetDescriptorFromHandle(handle);

The user can call defaultGetDescriptorFromHandle function from their implementation of getDescriptorFromHandle to dispatch to the default behavior.

By default, the value of a DescriptorHandle<T> object is assumed to be dynamically uniform across all execution threads. If this is not the case, the user is required to mark the DescriptorHandle as nonuniform immediately before dereferencing it:

void test(DescriptorHandle<Texture2D> t)

If the resource pointer value is not uniform and nonuniform is not called, the result may be undefined.


Slang allows defining additional methods for a type outside its initial definition. For example, suppose we already have a type defined:

struct MyType
    int field;
    int get() { return field; }

You can extend MyType with new method members:

extension MyType
    float getNewField() { return newField; }

All locations that sees the definition of the extension can access the new members:

void test()
    MyType t;
    float val = t.getNewField();

This feature is similar to extensions in Swift and extension methods in C#.


You can only extend a type with additional methods. Extending with additional data fields is not allowed.

Multi-level break

Slang allows break statements with a label to jump into any ancestor control flow break points, and not just the immediate parent. Example:

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
        if (someCondition)
            break outer;

Force inlining

Most of the downstream shader compilers will inline all the function calls. However you can instruct Slang compiler to do the inlining by using the [ForceInline] decoration:

int f(int x) { return x + 1; }

Special Scoping Syntax

Slang supports three special scoping syntax to allow users to mix in custom decorators and content in the shader code. These constructs allow a rendering engine to define custom meta-data in the shader, or map engine-specific block syntax to a meaningful block that is understood by the compiler via proper #defines.


An ignored block will be parsed and ignored by the compiler:

    arbitrary content in the source file,
    will be ignored by the compiler as if it is a comment.
    Can have nested {} here.


Symbols defined in a transparent block will be treated as if they are defined in the parent scope:

struct MyType
        int myFunc() { return 0; }

Is equivalent to:

struct MyType
    int myFunc() { return 0; }


Symbols defined in a __file_decl will be treated as if they are defined in the global scope. However, symbols defined in different __file_decls is not visible to each other. For example:

    void f1()
    void f2()
        f1(); // error: f1 is not visible from here.

User Defined Attributes (Experimental)

In addition to many system defined attributes, users can define their own custom attribute types to be used in the [UserDefinedAttribute(args...)] syntax. The following example shows how to define a custom attribute type.

struct MaxValueAttribute
    int value;
    string description;

[MaxValue(12, "the scale factor")]
uniform int scaleFactor;

In the above code, the MaxValueAttribute struct type is decorated with the [__AttributeUsage] attribute, which informs that MaxValueAttribute type should be interpreted as a definition for a user-defined attribute, [MaxValue], that can be used to decorate all variables or fields. The members of the struct defines the argument list for the attribute.

The scaleFactor uniform parameter is declared with the user defined [MaxValue] attribute, providing two arguments for value and description.

The _AttributeTargets enum is used to restrict the type of decls the attribute can apply. Possible values of _AttributeTargets can be Function, Param, Struct or Var.

The usage of user-defined attributes can be queried via Slang’s reflection API through TypeReflection or VariableReflection’s getUserAttributeCount, getUserAttributeByIndex and findUserAttributeByName methods.