_Texture<T, Shape, isArray, isMS, sampleCount, access, isShadow, isCombined, format>.Sample
Samples the texture at the given location.
/// Requires Capability Set 1: T _Texture<T, Shape, isArray, isMS, sampleCount, access, isShadow, isCombined, format>.Sample( vector<float, isArray+Shape.dimensions> location) where T : ITexelElement where Shape : __ITextureShape where access == 0 where isCombined == 1; /// Requires Capability Set 2: T _Texture<T, Shape, isArray, isMS, sampleCount, access, isShadow, isCombined, format>.Sample( vector<float, isArray+Shape.dimensions> location, vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset) where T : ITexelElement where Shape : __ITextureShape where access == 0 where isCombined == 1; /// Requires Capability Set 3: T _Texture<T, Shape, isArray, isMS, sampleCount, access, isShadow, isCombined, format>.Sample( vector<float, isArray+Shape.dimensions> location, vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, float clamp) where T : ITexelElement where Shape : __ITextureShape where access == 0 where isCombined == 1; T _Texture<T, Shape, isArray, isMS, sampleCount, access, isShadow, isCombined, format>.Sample( vector<float, isArray+Shape.dimensions> location, vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, float clamp, out uint status) where T : ITexelElement where Shape : __ITextureShape where access == 0 where isCombined == 1; /// Requires Capability Set 1: T _Texture<T, Shape, isArray, isMS, sampleCount, access, isShadow, isCombined, format>.Sample( SamplerState s, vector<float, isArray+Shape.dimensions> location) where T : ITexelElement where Shape : __ITextureShape where access == 0 where isCombined == 0; /// Requires Capability Set 2: T _Texture<T, Shape, isArray, isMS, sampleCount, access, isShadow, isCombined, format>.Sample( SamplerState s, vector<float, isArray+Shape.dimensions> location, vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset) where T : ITexelElement where Shape : __ITextureShape where access == 0 where isCombined == 0; /// Requires Capability Set 4: T _Texture<T, Shape, isArray, isMS, sampleCount, access, isShadow, isCombined, format>.Sample( SamplerState s, vector<float, isArray+Shape.dimensions> location, vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, float clamp) where T : ITexelElement where Shape : __ITextureShape where access == 0 where isCombined == 0; T _Texture<T, Shape, isArray, isMS, sampleCount, access, isShadow, isCombined, format>.Sample( SamplerState s, vector<float, isArray+Shape.dimensions> location, vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, float clamp, out uint status) where T : ITexelElement where Shape : __ITextureShape where access == 0 where isCombined == 0;
location : vector<float, isArray + Shape.dimensions>
The location to sample the texture at.
offset : vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions>
Texel offset to apply.
clamp : float
The max level of detail to use.
status : uint
[out] The result status of the operation. This parameter is currently only used when targeting HLSL. For other targets, the result status is always 0.
s : SamplerState
The SamplerState to use for the sampling operation. This parameter is omitted when this is a combined texture sampler type (isCombined==0).
Return value
The sampled texture value.
The Sample function is defined for all read-only texture types, including Texture1D, Texture2D, Texture3D, TextureCube, Texture1DArray, Texture2DArray and TextureCubeArray.
The function is not available for read-write texture types.
For HLSL/D3D targets, the texture element type must be a scalar or vector of float or half types.
Availability and Requirements
Capability Set 1
Defined for the following targets:
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Capability Set 2
Defined for the following targets:
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Capability Set 3
Defined for the following targets:
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Requires capability: spvSparseResidency
Capability Set 4
Defined for the following targets:
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
Available in all stages.
See Also
SampleBias, SampleLevel, SampleGrad, SampleCmp, SampleCmpLevelZero, SampleCmpLevel.