CoopVec<T, N:int>.loadAny
spirv only loading from a groupshared array of any type
static CoopVec<T, N> CoopVec<T, N:int>.loadAny<U, M:int>( const U[M] data, int byteOffset16ByteAligned) where U : __BuiltinArithmeticType where T : __BuiltinArithmeticType; static CoopVec<T, N> CoopVec<T, N:int>.loadAny<U, M:int, L:int>( const vector<U, L>[M] data, int byteOffset16ByteAligned) where U : __BuiltinArithmeticType where T : __BuiltinArithmeticType;
Generic Parameters
U: __BuiltinArithmeticType
M : int
L : int
data : U [ M ]
byteOffset16ByteAligned : int = 0
data : vector<U, L> [ M ]
Availability and Requirements
Defined for the following targets:
Available in all stages.
Requires capability: spvCooperativeVectorNV